Experimenting with the Midori Traveler's Notebook
12 Jun 2016
I recently shared my process of planning in my Midori Traveler's Notebook on the Decade Thirty blog. I wanted to go into a bit more detail about the inserts I use, for anyone who's wondering about which ones to try.
I've had my Midori Traveler's Notebook for a few weeks now, so I'm fairly settled into it. The MTN is a notebook system that has a leather cover with notebook inserts—thin, cardboard cover notebooks that can be inserted and removed at any time. I use mine as a planner, with a mixture of ideas taken from the Bullet Journal and Strikethru systems.
Read more...7 Jun 2016
My Wife and I Are (Both) Pregnant
This is a fascinating story that brings up some important points about the energy and support required to look after newborn babies.
Read more...Monthly Review: May 2016
1 Jun 2016
At the start of each month I do a review of my goals, habits, and experiments from the past month. In January 2015 I started publishing my monthly reviews on my blog instead of keeping them private. You can see them all in my monthly reviews category.
At the start of 2016 I stopped publishing my monthly reviews, as I felt I was censoring myself and getting less use out of the process. I've decided to start sharing these again, though I'll create an edited version based on my original, private notes. I hope you find them useful!
Read more...On being a beginner developer
23 May 2016
My friend Jeremey has been learning JavaScript for a while. In this post he explains a problem I came up against in my own experience of learning iOS development:
Read more...I share the backstory to highlight two main hurdles I ran into:
19 May 2016
Enumerating the ways I love Swift Enumerations
Really simple example of how enumerations with associated values work in Swift, and why they're so useful.
Read more...Two ways to level up your analogue planner or bullet journal
14 May 2016
Since rejoining the world of paper planning and journalling recently, I've been visiting Reddit and Instagram regularly to pick up inspiration.
It's always interesting to see how other people organise themselves and what personal quirks they've included in their own planning methods.
Read more...The Productive Habits book is now available!
3 May 2016
Update as of Feb 21st, 2017: I've removed Productive Habits from sale.
I hit a big milestone yesterday: I released my first ever book! It's an e-book version of the Productive Habits course, with all the same lessons in an easy-to-reference format, and a little extra research material thrown in.
Read more...How to read a lot
29 Apr 2016
When I was 11 I won a year-long reading competition at school for reading the most books of anyone in my year.
In 2013 I read 7 books. I don't remember how many books I read to win that competition, but I have no doubt it was many more than 7.
Read more...29 Apr 2016
[A Brief iOS9 UIStackView Guide][1]
Looking into using UIStackView
for the first time today, and I found this explanation really helpful.
Looking for an iOS development mentor
24 Apr 2016
I've been learning iOS development for about 2-2.5 years now. I started with an Objective-C course on Treehouse, then started building my first product: an app to rate your mood in [Exist][1]. These days [Exist for iOS][2] has grown into a proper mobile client for Exist, and is almost at parity with our Android app. It's live on the App Store and gets regular updates.
Read more...21 Apr 2016
Curtis Herbert talks about his first ever iOS app, and what he's learned since then. I especially like his mention of the importance of business and marketing skills:
Read more...Tracking down an Xcode bug with Swift 2.2
19 Apr 2016
I've had a bug showing up in Xcode lately that's been interrupting my flow and making it nigh impossible to get anything done. I spent pretty much all day yesterday debugging it and finally fixed it last night. Since I had so much trouble figuring out what it was, I wanted to share the solution, in case it helps anyone else.
So here's the bug:
Read more...15 Apr 2016
Get rich or die vlogging: The sad economics of internet fame
Sad, but fascinating story about what it's really like to be a "social media star".
Read more...Trying Android
31 Mar 2016
Lately I've been feeling frustrated with the Apple community. That is, people who love Apple, who sing Apple's praises no matter what they do, who never liked the idea of f.lux but think Night Shift is the bee's knees, who think there's something wrong when they don't buy something from every single Apple event, and so on...
It's starting to feel like a grimy circle jerk that I don't want to be part of.
Read more...From zero to 45 days in a row: how I built a habit of daily exercise
16 Mar 2016
Since releasing my course, Productive Habits, I've been focusing on building more new habits. This year I'm focusing on habits to help me build new skills and look after my health.
One of these habits is to do push-ups every morning. I went from not doing push-ups at all, to doing them every single morning. As I write this, I'm on a streak of 45 days in a row. From zero to more than a month without stopping, here's how I did it.
Read more...How I became a morning person
6 Mar 2016
I've always been geared towards getting up before lunchtime, but I wanted to be a real morning person. A get up before the sun person. A get 3 hours of work done before lunch everyday person.
For a few months I was getting up at 6am every day. But something changed in late 2015 when I moved in with my partner and co-founder, Josh. Josh is naturally a late riser and works after I've gone to bed many nights. I don't know if it was my own body's rhythms trying to align with his, or residual feelings of stress and upheaval from the process of moving house, but it took me at least six months to get into a routine of getting up before 8am again.
Read more...Online relationships
5 Mar 2016
I've been feeling dissatisfied with my social life lately. On the one hand, I know having friends is good for your health. On the other, I avoid social situations as much as I can. I'm better at being friends with people online, where I don't have to physically (awkwardly) share the space with them. But I've been feeling underwhelmed with online relationships lately, too.
Read more...Online subscriptions I pay for
12 Feb 2016
I like it when an app I rely on has an underlying subscription model. Though it's no guarantee, it makes me a tad more confident that they'll be around for a while. So many services have come and gone in recent years that I'm wary of relying heavily on anything these days, so that little bit of extra confidence goes a long way.
I pay for a few recurring subscriptions for services I find really useful. Whenever these recur, I tend to find it a happy reminder that I use these services often, and I'm supporting the teams behind them to continue their work.
Read more...2 Feb 2016
Some long-awaiting bug fixes and nice improvements in the latest update to iA Writer for Mac today. Really happy to see these changes.
Read more...2 Feb 2016
My inbox is full of freelance client requests this morning. This is all great news, but there's so much at once that it's just making me feel overwhelmed. This is one of those mornings when it's best to just close the inbox and focus on something else.