Apps I like: March 2014

23 Mar 2014 11:15

Another five apps I like that you should try. If you haven't read my past entries, you can find them here and here.



Reading links

18 Mar 2014 14:20

I've noticed that my reading habits have changed a lot lately. In particular, what I choose to read and where I find it.

Thinking about this got me thinking about sharing content online generally, and how link-sharing has evolved. I'm sure there's a lot more involved in this evolution than I know about, but here are a few thoughts about what I've noticed in my own reading workflow.


How I accidentally met a lot of startup founders

10 Mar 2014 14:56

I was chatting to someone recently about ways to meet other startup founders, when I realised I had accidentally found a great way to do so. I never meant for this to be a method of networking, but that happened to be a side effect of something I was doing anyway.

Here's what I did:


Chasing goals you can control

5 Mar 2014

Something I noticed around the start of this year was that quite a few people I came across had set goals for big, exciting changes they want to achieve in 2014 that are beyond their control.

A good example is getting a new job. I noticed a couple of people who'd set goals to "get a job at x" or "work for x" this year.


Apps I like: Feb 2014

18 Feb 2014

Here are some apps I use often, and like so much I want to share them. If you missed it, you can read my first post on apps I like here.

Day One


My 30-day link-sharing experiment

5 Jan 2014

Last week marked the end of December 2013. For the month of December I ran an experiment to see if I could change the way I share links online. I wanted to try something new to see how it affected me and my followers.

I used to share a lot of links on Twitter. I used Buffer a lot of the time to space these out, since I tend to read online articles in blocks of time and then I have a whole bunch to share at once (incidentally, this is exactly the problem Buffer was created to solve).


How I read

30 Dec 2013

One thing I've changed a whole lot (and probably will change again) is how I manage my reading workflow of articles online. I've stuck to the setup I have now for the past few months, so I think it's working well enough to share it with you.

Finding content

For the most part, I find content on Twitter (via Tweetbot, which lets me long press/right click on a link to add it to my read-later service of choice).


Everything I never knew about sex I learned from this book

13 Dec 2013

A note to start: this blog post is about sex. Or, to be more specific, the physiology of sex. If that's not interesting to you, or if you're offended by reading about genitals and the like, feel free to skip this one.


Apps I like: Dec 2013

12 Dec 2013 19:15

I currently have an iPhone 5S. I really miss some things about Android, but after a year away from Apple's walled garden I had to come back. The sub-par app experience of Android was too frustrating for me. A lot of the most exciting apps are released on iOS first (or only), and almost always look and feel more at home on an Apple device.

Since I'm such an app fanatic, I thought it would be fun to share some of my favourite apps as I add to my collection. To start off with, here are five of the apps on my phone that I use all the time right now.


How to do a startup in your spare time

9 Dec 2013 11:00

Right now Josh and I are both working on Exist around our day jobs.

On the one hand, this takes the pressure off Exist so that we can focus on making the product awesome without having a definite monetisation strategy in place yet. On the other hand, it means we don't have as much time to spend on Exist as we'd like to, so we have to be mindful of maintaining momentum.


Comparing co-working spaces in Melbourne

9 Dec 2013 10:00

This post is long overdue. When I joined Buffer earlier this year I did some "co-working space shopping" around inner Melbourne to find a place I'd like to rent a space in.

There are many more co-working spaces available, but I tried a few of the more well-known ones in the CBD and inner suburbs. Here's a collection of my thoughts on the benefits of each one that might help if you're looking to choose one for yourself.


The writing habit

11 Nov 2013 12:05

This post was inspired by Startup Edition

My current job titles are Content Crafter (Buffer) and Co-founder (Hello Code), but I usually explain what I do by simply saying I'm a writer. It's much easier when talking to those outside the tech industry than initiating them into the confusing worlds of startups and content marketing (I actually have a friend who was incredulous that I get paid for content marketing when I explained to her what it is. She works in sales and finds the concept unbelievable).


Where I came from

5 Nov 2013 18:00

I've never been one to look back at "where I came from" fondly. In fact, I don't like looking back at all. I'm much more prone to cutting ties and moving on for good—no turning back, no second-guessing. But something prompted me to think about my past today, and I realised good things can come from doing this occasionally, even if it's not something you enjoy much.


How to take the pain out of time zones (a little bit)

4 Nov 2013 17:00

Time zones are hard.

From what Josh tells me of working on Exist, it sounds like programming around time zones is a nightmare.


Why Startups

3 Nov 2013 09:00

I just recently joined the team of writers behind Startup Edition and I'm really excited to contribute. Right after I joined, I noticed I'd just missed out on the weekly topic "why are you working at a startup?" Reading everyone else's thoughts got me thinking so much that this essay just kind of fell out of me, so I wanted to share it. You should definitely read the Startup Edition posts on this topic, too.


Misfit Shine: this is not a review

30 Oct 2013 10:00

I've had a Misfit Shine for a couple of months now, so I thought it would be interesting to look at what I like (and don't like) about it and how it compares to other fitness trackers I've tried. But since I'm only going to cover the things that I care about, this isn't really a review—it's just some thoughts on my experience so far.


How I manage my daily tasks

21 Oct 2013 11:00

I recently changed the way I manage my daily tasks, and I'm finding it a much better way to stay on track. I tend to be one of those people who likes experimenting with productivity apps and task management methods, but this time I've actually just stumbled across something that happens to work. I designed it myself over time, based on how I already work, which is how I think most successful productivity methods are probably developed, since we all work differently.


I got banned from donating blood. Can you take my place?

15 Oct 2013

Something odd happened to me last week. I'm going to share this story with you because I think it's unusual and kind of funny. But I'm also sharing it because it caused me to think about something important, and I'd like you to think about that too.

Saving lives is harder than I thought

My blood-donation experience has been a bit of a rocky ride. It certainly wasn't what I expected when I first chose to give it a go.


On getting ideas

26 Sep 2013 10:00

One of the most common questions I get asked as a writer/blogger/content marketer is where I get my ideas from. Publishing as often as I do (multiple times per week, up to every weekday sometimes), ideas are certainly something I need a lot of.

Since people seem interested in how this works for me, I thought I’d share some of the ways that work best for me (so far—it’s always a work in progress!).