Weeknotes: October 30, 22

  • I feel like I should address the fact that I stopped writing weeknotes posts and now I'm back again but I don't know what to say. Sometimes I don't want to write them. Sometimes I do. I may or may not write them weekly at some point in future, but here's one for today.
  • Some personal sites that I discovered recently and have enjoyed reading the archives of: Veronique, Rach Smith
  • I've found some interesting stuff from the Discover page of Bear Blog
  • I started learning to read Japanese a couple of months ago. I'd like to write more about this sometime, but for now I'll just say this guide was really helpful for getting started, and WaniKani has been great for learning kanji.
  • I've been learning about using django-debug-toolbar and used it to optimise some database queries. Doing this was extremely fun. I don't know why, but I love detective-type work with backend code.
  • I've been fixing bugs for Exist most of this week, but I also shipped an update to include HRV data in our Fitbit integration, and started working on switching from Dark Sky to Apple's WeatherKit service.
  • I started re-reading Conversations with Friends by Sally Rooney, in paperback instead of an eBook this time. I'm enjoying it just as much as last time.