Weeknotes: December 11, 22

  • I finished my first round of Invisalign this week, and had a new scan done. While the next set of aligners is being made, which will take 4-6 weeks, I have to keep wearing my current aligner, but only for around 12 hours per day. It still feels a bit wrong when I notice I don't have it in during the day, but it's also a relief to not have to rush to floss and brush and put the aligner back in after every time I eat something.
  • I finished reading Undoctored by Adam Kay, which I really enjoyed. It's harrowing and jaw-dropping sometimes, but also funny and easy to read. I kind of wish I'd read This is Going to Hurt first, since references to that book in Undoctored made me realise the TV series had definitely changed some things, and many of my assumptions were wrong.
  • I started reading Ten Steps to Nanette by Hannah Gadsby. It's a little hit-and-miss for me so far, but there are enough good bits to keep me going for now.
  • I've been enjoying the song Perth Traumatic Stress Disorder by Alex Lahey this week. I really like the whole album, actually.
  • We're slowly working through the TV series Am I Being Unreasonable? which is aptly-tagged on IMDb as both comedy and thriller. It's a very strange show, that seems to have a change of vibe multiple times each episode. It's not amazing, but I'm definitely intrigued about where it's heading.
  • I've been reading through this Japanese grammar blog this week and I've found it to be really approachable for a beginner. I'm slowly beginning to get the hang of Japanese sentence structure and particles. According to wkstats, which only counts what I've learned on WaniKani (which is almost everything, bar a handful of kana-only words), I've learned 323 kanji and 406 vocab words in the 120 days since I started WaniKani. Which means I'm about 16% of the way through WaniKani's kanji lessons, and 7% through the vocab. I've got a long way to go.