25 May 2018 08:29
Why do so many developers keep blogging on Medium? It has annoying pop-ups, you don't own your content, and it doesn't do any syntax highlighting. Maybe there's a market for a dev-specific replacement? Read more...25 May 2018 08:03
Some really good Swift tips in this article that I didn't know about:
10 Quick Swift Tips – Hacking with Swift
Read more...18 May 2018 08:41
At the start of each year I write a review of the previous year. I also start my review of the current year. I re-read and add to the current year's review as the year goes by, both to remind me of my goals and to make it quicker and easier to finish my review when the year is over. Read more...18 May 2018 08:26
I wish I'd read this post a couple of years ago, before I learned all this stuff the hard way.
Read more...15 May 2018 17:35
Today I published [the 11 principles I'm trying to stick to in my code](https://larder.io/blog/code-principles/) these days. They're really helping me write better code than I ever did before. Read more...11 May 2018 09:25
I like that [you can now set your pronouns in your Asana profile](https://blog.asana.com/2018/05/new-profile-setting-pronouns-asana/#close). Read more...30 Apr 2018 10:55
[My first (accepted) pull request](https://github.com/Quick/Quick/pull/787#issuecomment-385264984)! Read more...27 Apr 2018 16:25
Since working harder to make my code conform to the single responsibility principle, I've ended up with each object relying on lots of other objects to do its work. It's a whole other problem to deal with. Read more...Setting up a post-commit git hook
27 Apr 2018 11:25
Since I'm working on adding tests to the iOS app for Exist at the moment, I've recently been working on adding a post-commit hook to run my tests automatically. Here are some of the resources I found most useful when setting this up:
- Git Hooks guide by Atlassian/Bitbucket
- Git hooks documentation on GitHub
- Git hooks docs
- Running Xcode tests from the terminal
27 Apr 2018 07:15
I'm excited to be working on adding tests to the iOS app for [Exist](https://exist.io/), but so far I'm spending at least as much time on my tests as I am on real code. They're as bad as everyone who avoids them says, I think. Read more...26 Apr 2018 18:25
Struggled with not being able to add default parameter arguments in a Swift protocol today. [This workaround](https://oleb.net/blog/2016/05/default-arguments-in-protocols/) was really helpful. Read more...17 Feb 2018 14:10
It's been years since I had Southern-style breakfast biscuits. I miss them. I'm going to attempt to cook them (first time ever) this week, as well as that delicious white gravy. Read more...17 Feb 2018 13:10
I spent a bunch of time adjusting my blog theme today and making inline `code` and `pre` blocks look much nicer before publishing [this post about Fastlane](http://blog.bellebcooper.com/fastlane.html). I think it was worth the effort! Read more...Using Fastlane to archive and upload iOS builds
17 Feb 2018 11:57
Pushing out a new version of your app is exciting, especially when it includes a big new feature. But I've always found releasing new versions of my app to be a huge pain. It's fiddly, it involves lots of GUI that I wouldn't otherwise interact with, and there's lots of waiting around in-between steps.
I recently took the plunge and set up Fastlane to make this process simpler, easier, and faster. It's been a rocky road to get Fastlane working, and I keep hitting snags in using it, but when it does work, I love it.
Read more...Microblogging with Pelican
16 Feb 2018 18:10
I've previously posted some micro posts here, but recently mentioned that I'd created a separate WordPress blog for my micro posts at snippets.bellebcooper.com. I did this in order to create micro posts through the iOS and Mac Micro.blog apps, which can post to Micro.blog hosted blogs or WordPress blogs.
Read more...Woo Cow Time: Days 2 & 3, and why I'm giving up
13 Feb 2018 13:45
It's been a couple of weeks since I stopped working on my side project, Woo Cow Time. Unfortunately I hit enough roadblocks that the app doesn't seem feasible to build for iOS, so I've given up on it for now.
But I did spend another weekend on it before I gave up, so here's an update on what I tried, and where I got stuck.
Read more...11 Feb 2018 18:26
This is a really honest piece by science writer Ed Yong.
Read more...Crucially, I tracked how I was doing in a simple spreadsheet. I can’t overstate the importance of that: It is a vaccine against self-delusion.
How I use Things 3
2 Feb 2018
I wrote about how I use Things 3 back when I was still working at RescueTime. It's now been more than four months since I left RescueTime to work full-time on Hello Code, so here's an update of how I use Things these days.