Monthly Review: July 2020
4 Aug 2020 08:20
I'm obsessed with
Mike Lowery's drawings. Poring over Mike's drawings recently encouraged me to draw on paper again, after exclusively drawing on my iPad Pro for the last few months.
I'm listening to
Milow, and The Strumbellas.
I'm reading
The Baby Decision by Merle Bombardieri.
I'm watching
The newest season of Norsemen, finally released in English (I actually like foreign shows with subtitles usually, but the Norwegian accent is extra fun when they speak English, so it's worth waiting for the international version to drop).
Stuff I bought this month
Stationery from Tabiyo Shop.
These wireless headphones from Urbanears which I'm going to return (they don't fit my ears at all—I think I have weirdly-shaped ears).
CorrectToes (basically braces for your toes).
A Paperlike screen protector for my iPad, so it's less slippery when drawing.
July goals
None set, since I wrote my review so late in the month.
August goals
- Keep drawing
- More regular exercise
- Bug fixes and polish for my apps
- Progress on iOS-14 updates for my apps