Monthly Review: July 2020
4 Aug 2020 08:20
I'm obsessed with
Mike Lowery's drawings. Poring over Mike's drawings recently encouraged me to draw on paper again, after exclusively drawing on my iPad Pro for the last few months.
Read more...Monthly Review: June 2020
26 Jul 2020 17:20
I'm obsessed with
Austin Kleon's blog again. Once or twice every year I go through a phase of reading through his archives and immersing myself in his ideas. I may even re-read his books this time around, too.
Read more...Monthly Review: May 2020
18 Jun 2020 16:20
I'm obsessed with
Planners! I've got a Hobonichi Cousin Avec this year, which is split into two books, one for each half of the year. I only have a month to go before it's time to swap them out, so I'm spending lots of time thinking about how I might want to change things up for the second half of the year.
Read more...Monthly Review: April 2020
7 May 2020 14:20
I'm obsessed with
My health. I've been doing telehealth calls with my doctor recently to figure out some bothersome-but-not-serious issues I noticed around the start of lockdown. It's a nice bonus that telehealth calls are all bulk billed, since I've had a few follow ups.
Read more...Monthly Review: February 2020
2 Mar 2020 17:20
I'm obsessed with
Workouts! I've finally started to get back into going to the gym consistently after a lot of disruption to the start of the year. I've started using the GZCL method for my lifting program, and I'm really enjoying having a bit more structure to my weights routine.
Read more...Monthly Review: January 2020
1 Feb 2020 18:20
I'm obsessed with
Social events! Early in the month I decided to double down on my goal of getting more social in 2020 and threw myself into a bunch of new social events and activities. The upsides were that I got a lot more exercise from being out and about more, which helped me sleep better, and I also found that string a lot of events together without big gaps in-between helped me capitalise on the buzz of each one to be more confident going into the next. On the other hand, it quickly became exhausting, and I felt like I had no big blocks of time to focus on work, or housework, or anything else. Swings and roundabouts, I guess.
Read more...Monthly Review: December 2019
16 Jan 2020 15:51
My review's a bit late this month—oops! I'm also experimenting with a different format since there's very little to my reviews normally. So let's start with a few things I've been into lately:
I'm obsessed with
Read more...Monthly Review: September 2019
2 Oct 2019 14:51
- Australian Realness. We always make a point to see new plays by Zoey Dawson, since we've loved all her previous works. This one might be our favourite so far. We both thoroughly enjoyed it.
- Drums! I rented an electronic drum kit to learn on, since buying a kit outright is expensive and I'm not sure if I'll stick with it. So far, so good, though!
Monthly Review: August 2019
1 Sep 2019 18:41
- Come From Away! I'd decided I would probably skip seeing this musical during its Melbourne run because I couldn't afford it, but Josh kindly bought me a ticket, and I'm so glad he did. It was enormously fun and touching. Highly recommended.
- A visit from my sister who lives interstate. It's always nice to break up daily life with a visit from someone I don't see much.
- Augie March and Grand Salvo. We very nearly piked on this show because it was a bit of a hassle to get to and very late for me (I normally go to bed around 8:30, when the show started). But I'm glad we ended up going because we both had a great time.
Monthly Review: July 2019
12 Aug 2019 13:04
- Josh's birthday! We saw a Melbourne Theatre Company play and had dinner from our favourite local burger place.
- Geelong game at the 'G. I was lucky to make it to two live football games this year, but this was the only one I saw with my dad, who got me into football in the first place.
Monthly Review: January 2019
2 Feb 2019 13:04
- Twelfth Night at MTC. I wasn't sure about seeing this show, and put off buying tickets for ages. Eventually I bought a cheaper, under-30s ticket right before I turned 30, and I'm so glad I did. I loved this show, and was sad I couldn't see it again (I couldn't really afford to, but it was also sold out for the last week of its twice-extended run).
Monthly Review November 2018
16 Dec 2018 09:28
It's been a long time since I've written a monthly review. Here's one for November to get me started again.
Read more...Mid-year review, 2018
5 Aug 2018 10:01
I've been working on this post since June. Now that it's August, it barely counts as a mid-year review.
Anyway, let's take a look at my 2018 goals. I only set two big goals for 2018:
Read more...Monthly Review September 2017
2 Oct 2017
Last month's review. All monthly reviews.
What went well this month
Read more...Monthly Review: August 2017
10 Sep 2017
Last month's review. All monthly reviews.
What went well this month
Read more...Monthly Review: July 2017
10 Aug 2017
Last month's review. All monthly reviews.
What went well this month
Read more...Monthly Review: May 2017
16 Jul 2017
[Last month's review][1]. [All monthly reviews][2].