Monthly Review: June 2017


Last month's review. All monthly reviews.

What went well this month

  • Custom tracking released to Exist for iOS beta testers. This is a big new feature we've been working on for Exist, which will let you track almost anything you want by adding word-based tags to each day. So far we've had a great response, so fingers crossed we'll be ready to release this publicly soon.

June goals

✔️ Get custom tracking in Exist for iOS ready for beta testers

Success! I had this goal set for May as well, which was really audacious, but I worked really hard in June to get it done and I'm excited to have managed it a week before the month was over.

Focus habit for June

Piano, 5 days/week

Thanks to custom tracking in Exist (as mentioned above), I can show you just how consistent I was with piano:

Tracking piano practice with Exist

I just stopped my lessons, and you can see that the pressure of weekly lessons has made my practice habit drop off dramatically in the last few days (right-hand side) of that graph. I'm planning to find a new teacher who suits my needs better in the near future, but I'll have to work hard to make sure I get regularly practice in while I'm in-between teachers.

Books and media

I finished watching quite a few TV series this month!

Goals for July

  • Get tax-related numbers ready for accountant
  • Publish one blog post
  • Public launch of custom tracking for all Exist users

Focus habit for July

Piano practice 5 days/week

This review will be featured in the next edition of The Monthly Review. If you like to read monthly reviews, sign up for the newsletter to get a collection of personal reviews in your inbox every month. If you write your own reviews, sign up to participate and share your reviews and your process with others.