Thoughts on my 2019 learning project

3 Jan 2020 17:07

I tried writing a couple of updates for my blog as I worked on my 2019 learning project, but once I'd written them they didn't seem worth sharing; there just wasn't a lot worth saying about the process. Now that I'm done, I wanted to share a few thoughts on how it went.

But first, a quick recap:


Learning Django in the holidays

23 Dec 2019 15:46

Two years ago I learned Swift during the holiday break across Christmas and New Year's. I'd dabbled in Swift but had never really got my head around it (previously I'd taught myself Objective-C as my first ever programming language, and that was all I knew). I read Apple's official Swift book and a bunch of other books and articles, and finally it all seemed to click. I started writing some new code in Swift during that holiday period, and once I got back to work I started incorporating Swift into my work more and more. These days my main iOS project has evolved from 100% Objective-C to 60% Swift, and all new code I write is in Swift.


Monthly Review: November 2019

9 Dec 2019 15:51

November goals

✔️ 2 social events


Monthly Review: October 2019

9 Dec 2019 14:51

October goals

✖️ 1 dead hang chin up


2019 16" MacBook Pro

3 Dec 2019 14:08

I recently wrote about the 2019 15" MacBook Pro I bought and how I was finding it. A very high-level summary: the keyboard was okay, I hated the TouchBar, and the bluetooth was awful.

When the 16" MacBook Pro was announced recently, my 15" was less than two months old, so I was able to talk Apple into letting me return it so I could buy the 16". I'm really lucky—lots of people who'd had theirs a little longer than me weren't able to get a return, and after trying the 16" I'm extremely glad I didn't have to stick with that 15" for the foreseeable future.


2019 MacBook Pro

12 Nov 2019 18:30

In 2015 I bought a used, mid-2013, 15" retina MacBook Pro. I was upgrading from a 13" MacBook Air, which was feeling cramped as I was spending more time on development than writing.

My MBP served me well until 2019. Its battery life had declined over time, but a few months ago it started going to sleep when the battery indicator still said 15% or more. I was getting around an hour of battery life out of it, but because the battery indicator wasn't accurate, I had no idea when it would suddenly go to sleep while I was working.


Monthly Review: September 2019

2 Oct 2019 14:51


  • Australian Realness. We always make a point to see new plays by Zoey Dawson, since we've loved all her previous works. This one might be our favourite so far. We both thoroughly enjoyed it.
  • Drums! I rented an electronic drum kit to learn on, since buying a kit outright is expensive and I'm not sure if I'll stick with it. So far, so good, though!

Ways I've reduced waste in my life

27 Sep 2019 14:30

Although I'd like to get better at this still, I've made some changes over the past year or two to decrease how much waste I create. Mostly this means finding reusable alternatives to disposable items I use often, and avoiding unrecyclable plastic when I can.

In case they inspire you to make a change too, here are some of the things I've changed so far.


26 Sep 2019 14:53

I've been rating my mood in Exist for more than 5 years now. That's a lot of data about how I've been feeling.

Mood rating in Exist


My favourite personal blogs: 2019 edition

3 Sep 2019 06:26

I keep saying I'd like to blog more but being out of the habit means I'm lacking ideas. (Having ideas often prompts more of the same.) So, to get back into the habit, I've been browsing my own blog's archives, and writing updated versions of old posts, like my "Stuff I like" posts. This one is a collection of some of my favourite personal blogs. I'm happy to say the current list includes more women than last time (the original list was 100% male).


Monthly Review: August 2019

1 Sep 2019 18:41



  • Come From Away! I'd decided I would probably skip seeing this musical during its Melbourne run because I couldn't afford it, but Josh kindly bought me a ticket, and I'm so glad he did. It was enormously fun and touching. Highly recommended.
  • A visit from my sister who lives interstate. It's always nice to break up daily life with a visit from someone I don't see much.
  • Augie March and Grand Salvo. We very nearly piked on this show because it was a bit of a hassle to get to and very late for me (I normally go to bed around 8:30, when the show started). But I'm glad we ended up going because we both had a great time.

Monthly Review: July 2019

12 Aug 2019 13:04


  • Josh's birthday! We saw a Melbourne Theatre Company play and had dinner from our favourite local burger place.
  • Geelong game at the 'G. I was lucky to make it to two live football games this year, but this was the only one I saw with my dad, who got me into football in the first place.

Stuff I like: 2019 edition

10 Aug 2019 11:31

I've written a couple of posts in the past about physical items I enjoy using. Since the last one was in 2016, here's a list of stuff I've been enjoying more recently (no affiliate links):

Brita fill&go Active water bottle


30 Jun 2019 16:16

Discovered today that SwiftUI seems to have a limit to how many views you can compose within a single stack before it just fails to build. Read more...

Declarative iOS layout with Panda

5 Jun 2019 15:05

For the first time in a few years, something I'm super excited about was announced at WWDC. I can't wait to get my hands on SwiftUI and try it out in a real project. I'm concerned about how well it will work on custom, complicated layouts, but I'm still excited to give it a go. And how much more productive will we be with live reloading?! I know this has technically been possible in the past, but I've never managed to get it working, so I'm looking forward to trying it when it's easier to work with.


2019 mid-year review

5 Jun 2019 11:02

I save all my favourite moments and media for my end of year review, so this is just a quick check-in on my goals to see how I'm going and whether I need to adjust my priorities for the second half of the year.

Let's look at the goals I set for 2019 in January:


Monthly Review: January 2019

2 Feb 2019 13:04



  • Twelfth Night at MTC. I wasn't sure about seeing this show, and put off buying tickets for ages. Eventually I bought a cheaper, under-30s ticket right before I turned 30, and I'm so glad I did. I loved this show, and was sad I couldn't see it again (I couldn't really afford to, but it was also sold out for the last week of its twice-extended run).

Introducing ExistAPI: An open-source Swift framework

9 Jan 2019 16:11

Recently I released a new side project, called ExistAPI. It's a Swift framework to make working with the Exist API in iOS apps much easier. It's available via Cocoapods and the source is on GitHub.


2018 review

3 Jan 2019 14:33

The year I turned 30.

Me with birthday balloons

Things I did this year


Monthly Review: December 2018

2 Jan 2019 13:04

Last month of the year!

Jez the Samoyed
