Weeknotes: Mar. 06, 22

6 Mar 2022

More active this week! Daily average active minutes 69 up by 10 from last week average 59

Worked out less this week. 4 workouts, down from 6 last week

Listened to more music this week. 206 tracks played, up from 177 last week

Warmer this week. 27º average max. temp this week, up from 26º last week


Weeknotes: Feb. 20, 22

20 Feb 2022

Less active this week! Daily average active minutes 62 down by 9 from last week average 71

Worked out less this week. 6 workouts, down from 7 last week

Listened to less music this week. 142 tracks played, down from 264 last week

Cooler this week. 26º average max. temp this week, down from 27º last week


Weeknotes: Jan. 30, 2022

28 Jan 2022 08:43

I've made some good progress with Python this week, and made a few more adjustments to my workflow.

Here's what I've been up to:


Weeknotes: Jan. 23, 2022

20 Jan 2022 12:43

This week I've been doing a lot of fiddly work, as we've had some other stuff going on around the house. This kind of work is easier to pick and put down when reacting to what's happening during the day, as it doesn't require as much focus as regular work. And it's stuff that I wanted to get done to improve my setup and process for proper development work.


2021 review

8 Jan 2022 19:25

2020 review.

A photo of me on my 33rd birthday

Highlights of 2021


Introducing Hello Meds

24 Aug 2021 10:19

Hello Meds screenshot

A few months ago I released a new app called Hello Meds. It's a medication tracker for iOS. I drafted this post when the app was in beta but never got around to finishing it up, so here's a quick intro to why I built Hello Meds.

There are plenty of medication tracking apps available for iOS already, but most of them are based around the idea of taking the same medication, at the same dose, at the same times every day. While this is obviously a common use-case, my needs are different. My medication dosages and timings change often, depending on other variables in my life. Hello Meds is designed around this use-case in particular, where you want to keep track of the medications and dosages you take, but don't want or need to adhere to a pre-set schedule.


2020 review

8 Jan 2021 19:25

2019 review.

Highlights of 2020


My 2020 planner setup

4 Aug 2020 16:42

It's a bit late, but I'm settled into my planner setup for 2020, so I thought I'd share what I've picked this year.

Hobonichi Cousin weekly pages

This is my first Jibun Techo-free year since 2017 and I miss it! I picked a Hobonichi Cousin Avec, which has very similar weekly pages, but next year I'll switch back to the Jibun. I've used the Cousin for logging meals, workouts, medications, health symptoms, events, and small notes about my day. For the first half of the year I used the daily pages to stick in photos and ephemera, but the book got really fat by the end of June (as my Jibun usually does, too). The Cousin Avec comes in two books, one for each half of the year, so when I switched to the second book in July I stopped sticking stuff into the daily pages. I'm using some of the daily pages for journalling, but some pages will end up empty and I'm okay with that.


Monthly Review: July 2020

4 Aug 2020 08:20

drawing of me before and during the pandemic

I'm obsessed with

Mike Lowery's drawings. Poring over Mike's drawings recently encouraged me to draw on paper again, after exclusively drawing on my iPad Pro for the last few months.


Monthly Review: June 2020

26 Jul 2020 17:20

drawing of Alex

I'm obsessed with

Austin Kleon's blog again. Once or twice every year I go through a phase of reading through his archives and immersing myself in his ideas. I may even re-read his books this time around, too.


Monthly Review: May 2020

18 Jun 2020 16:20

I'm obsessed with

Planners! I've got a Hobonichi Cousin Avec this year, which is split into two books, one for each half of the year. I only have a month to go before it's time to swap them out, so I'm spending lots of time thinking about how I might want to change things up for the second half of the year.


Monthly Review: April 2020

7 May 2020 14:20

I'm obsessed with

My health. I've been doing telehealth calls with my doctor recently to figure out some bothersome-but-not-serious issues I noticed around the start of lockdown. It's a nice bonus that telehealth calls are all bulk billed, since I've had a few follow ups.


Monthly Review: February 2020

2 Mar 2020 17:20

I'm obsessed with

Workouts! I've finally started to get back into going to the gym consistently after a lot of disruption to the start of the year. I've started using the GZCL method for my lifting program, and I'm really enjoying having a bit more structure to my weights routine.


Reflecting changing state in SwiftUI Lists and List items

19 Feb 2020 17:21

I was struggling with something recently in SwiftUI and thought I'd share the solution I came up with. Here's a simple example to demonstrate what I was stuck on:

struct ContentView: View {
  var tasks: [Task]

  var body: some View {
    List(self.tasks) { task in
      TaskView(task: task)

My favourite iOS libraries

5 Feb 2020 19:40

Over time I've developed a list of open-source iOS libraries that I use in almost all my projects. These are my favourite, go-to libraries:



Monthly Review: January 2020

1 Feb 2020 18:20

I'm obsessed with

Social events! Early in the month I decided to double down on my goal of getting more social in 2020 and threw myself into a bunch of new social events and activities. The upsides were that I got a lot more exercise from being out and about more, which helped me sleep better, and I also found that string a lot of events together without big gaps in-between helped me capitalise on the buzz of each one to be more confident going into the next. On the other hand, it quickly became exhausting, and I felt like I had no big blocks of time to focus on work, or housework, or anything else. Swings and roundabouts, I guess.


Monthly Review: December 2019

16 Jan 2020 15:51

My review's a bit late this month—oops! I'm also experimenting with a different format since there's very little to my reviews normally. So let's start with a few things I've been into lately:

I'm obsessed with


Competing values

7 Jan 2020 16:20

I've been thinking a lot lately about how personal values, interests, and hobbies often clash. Pick any value or interest you have and you'll probably find a group of people talking about it online. For most of my own average, mainstream, privileged interests, there are people on every social media platform talking about them, teaching others what they know, even trying to make money from others with the same interests.


2019 review

7 Jan 2020 15:45

2018 review.

(Side note: every year as soon as I publish my annual review, I start a new Markdown file for my review of the next year. Throughout the year I add achievements, details about goals I've accomplished, and favourite media, so getting the review ready to publish is much easier. I definitely recommend this approach!)


Thoughts on my 2019 learning project

3 Jan 2020 17:07

I tried writing a couple of updates for my blog as I worked on my 2019 learning project, but once I'd written them they didn't seem worth sharing; there just wasn't a lot worth saying about the process. Now that I'm done, I wanted to share a few thoughts on how it went.

But first, a quick recap: